
Rolling Stone described Brand New and this really good, orginal and talented band with a huge future ahead of them because kids like them and they just signed a big deal with a major. I gots news; the kids like a new flavor each week and the majors sign more crappy bands than Drive-Thru, which itself is owned by a major. So heed the words of Chuck D, and remember just because the publication who rated John Fogerity of Creedence as a better guitar player than Angus Young, Pete Townshend and Eddie Van Halen prints a full page photo of a band frolicing in the ocean and calls them "hot" dosen't make them good, and a million dollar record contract with a major dosen't grant them longevity. Don't believe the hype kids. Listen to what's good, not what's popular. And stay Stone Cold Lampin'. With Flava


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